Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thai Red Chicken Curry

Here is a great recipe for a really easy and simple Thai Red Chicken Curry.
I hope you enjoy my recipe.

Equipment Needed.
Skillet or some sort of pan

2 -5 spoons Red Curry Paste (Check out my Thai Pastes Blog for this recipe)
Coconut Milk (400ml)
1 Tablespoon Palm sugar or Brown Sugar
1 Tablespoon Fish Sauce
1 Pound Chicken Breast (Cut into nice bite size chunks)
Handfull of Red Peppers
Handfull of Green Peppers
Handfull of Baby corn
Handfull of Mushrooms
1 Shallot
Basil (Thai Basil if you can find it)


1.Add some oil to the pan and allow to warm. 

2.Once the pan is warm add the curry paste and stir with the oil  for about one minute.

3.Add the coconut milk to the pan and mix well and allow the pan to come to a slow boil 

4.Once the pan has come to the boil add the Sugar and Fish sauce 

5.Add the Chicken and cover (Stir Occasionally) cook until the chicken is about ¾ cooked.

6.Add the Peppers, Baby Corn , Mushrooms , Shallots Onion

7.Stir well cook for another 2 minutes.

8.Add the Basil.

9.Cook until the chicken is cooked through

10. Serve

I hope you enjoy this great recipe for Thai red Curry please feel free to comment of suggest recipes you would like,

Thai Curry Recipes

Welcome to my Thai Curry Blog 

Here I will be sharing all of my lovely Thai Curry Recipes. 
If you have any recommendations or recipes you would like me to share please feel free to leave comments. I will be uploading new recipes on a regular basis.

Thanks and I hope you enjoy.